I'm tired though. I guess I felt like I had to do it ALL. Did I think there would never be a sunny day again? So, I'm also thankful that rain is in the forecast.
These are the things we'll be up to this summer. We were happy to do them a little early. I probably should have taken the girls for a dip in the lake. But we tried that a couple weeks back and Annora apparently has no fear of water just like her sister...so am a little intimidated to take both by myself. The swim lessons in the tub just aren't enough for me to feel confidant!
Maddie is scared of this battery powered 4 wheeler. We were thinking of getting rid of it...it's Annora's new love. She can't get enough of it. (And yes, she was eating dirt...another love)
Was thinking about getting rid of this as well...think we'll have to keep it for a bit too.
This is my little Tinkerbell. The things she does, the things she wears...they make me smile all day long.
Mmm...sprinkler water.