Well, we had our ultrasound last night and was quite fascinating to see everything. Ryan had a very easy time figuring out what everything was, Shalisa found it a bit difficult, but did see the brain and spine and face and legs easily. They tell us we're having a girl!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
We're having a...
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11:36 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
Staircase Hike
Just thought I'd add a little about our area here. Last weekend we went for a hike near Lake Cushman on the "Staircase" which is an entry into the Olympics. It's gorgeous up there. Hopefully we can get in a few more hikes before it gets too rainy on us. Because of the build we never did get to go camping this year, so am really looking forward to next year when we will have more time. Okay, we know we'll have an infant, but it's not like they need to go to soccer games or anything ;) There is a lot of beautiful country up here, anyone interested in a base camp for touring is welcome to use our bed and breakfast.
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5:34 PM
Open House
Well, thought I'd give an update for those who were not able to be at our open house, and hopefully be able to post a few pictures. The house is done, we are in, and settled. Of course there are a few icings that we're still working on, such as flowers in the yard, curtains, and a few more decorative paintings. We LOVE the house. It's big but cozy and very functional.
Currently we are doing research on baby stuff (actually, that's Shalisa does the research and Ryan listens with one ear to what she has to say about it). We're cloth diapering, and Shalisa has been buying a variety of different diapers and covers to stockpile. Mostly buying off of ebay, which has been a great bargain so far. Oma and Opa Tondre bought us a beautiful crib complete with mattress and bedding set. Of course, the no cost crib from Cousin Rena would have been perfect too, it just so happened that there was a garage sale accross the street that were accepting donations for everything for victims of hurricane Katrina.
Oma got a great deal at 75 dollars for everything ;) And the bedding set COULD go for either sex...but we'll see. We find out in 2 days, and we'll make another post as to if it's a boy or girl.
So, until then...
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5:01 PM